Friday, May 15, 2009

Are Schools Getting Closer to Achieving "Just" Punishment With Their Students?

The Zero Tolerance Punishment rule is in a way a good thing but at times it is not that fair. Although students get beat up or picked on and refuse to defend themselves they will still be punished as much as the one who started the fight. I totally believe that only the kid that started it should be punished since the other acted out of self defense. Yet, the problem is that how are people going to know exactly how the fight happened. Although my colleague, John, states that witnesses can help to find the truth, how are the officials going to know whether the witnesses are not favoring one kid over the other and lying about what really happened. So, what I am trying to say is that whether or not you do the Zero Tolerance rule some will end up with worse or less serious of a punishment than they really deserve. I believe that there is no way that you can make fights something more "just" unless an official witnessed it. I think a good way to help them be fair when problems like these happen, is to set up better security at schools, i.e. security cameras, or security people. This way schools wont have to rely on the students or teachers as witnesses, rather a trained security guard or the actual video footage. So, John, I completely agree with you on the passing of the bill, but i think schools will have to do more research than just talk to both sides of the fight because not all witnesses tell the truth.

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